You are nearing the last few months of your pregnancy and you are wondering to yourself, if you need to get maternity pictures done or you aren't sure it's even necessary. Even when I wasn't a photographer, I believe 100% that a maternity session is an important event in your pregnancy journey.

These top 3 reasons are why a maternity session is totally necessary and worth it!

  • Reminding you how beautiful you really are.

I know full well that during pregnancy, you don't always feel the most beautiful. Yes, you are creating life, but during all that, YOUR BODY IS GROWING AND CHANGING! Your body is stretching and stretching each day. Everything in your body is altering itself so a baby can thrive. Everything aches, burns, itches, and so many other uncomfortable things. Even with the easiest of pregnancies, I know for a fact things get difficult near the end. Having a difficult time physically is only part of it. Pregnancy also takes a toll on you mentally and emotionally. Hormones are going crazy, therefore emotions are all over the place. With all the things you are going through with your changing body, during that time, you may not feel the most beautiful (even though you are a freakin gorgeous pregnancy queen). Your spouse and friends and family can tell you over and over again how great you look, but all that isn't good enough.

I believe that all pregnant bodies, no matter the shape and size, are gorgeous and need to be captured. Enter me!!

My job as a maternity photographer, is to make sure you know how gorgeous you are especially while you are growing life inside you. I always keep my client closet is stocked with gowns and dresses that will make you feel like a goddess which they have full access to. I fully cater to the momma and make sure that her thoughts change about her not feeling the most pretty and capture that pregnancy glow that ALL mommas have.

  • You WILL miss that belly!

You are only pregnant for a short amount of time. It won't be long until it's gone and then you'll end up missing it (I know that sounds crazy, but it's true. You will miss that belly!). Doing a maternity session will document that special milestone where you will cherish those photos for decades and decades to come!

  • Strengthen the bond between you and your spouse.

My goal is to create a stress-free, relaxing, and fun enviroment for all my clients. Sometimes pregnancy can put a strain on the relationship and the bond between a spouse can be affected. Doing a maternity photo shoot can spark that chemistry back up again. I always try and create prompts and poses for my clients that will encourage intimacy and closeness that even others can feel through the pictures. With families that have other children, I also make sure the session is fun and they feel important so that they have a great experience. A maternity session will remind you of this little miracle you created and celebrating this huge milestone in your lives as you are nearing the end of this pregnancy journey. That is something to be freakin proud of and another reason to document this memory!


In conclusion, if you are hesitant if whether or not you should get a maternity photo shoot done, DO IT! These top 3 reasons prove to be more than valid. If you still aren't sure, reach out and I'd love to chat with you and get to know your pregnancy journey. I will help you work through those hesitations through the art of my photos! When in doubt, do the photo shoot! You will not regret it!